TEI Output

TEI is a consortium maintaining standards for the representation of texts in digital form which are widely used in the humanities. Nidaba is capable of encoding the OCR results and their metadata into XML documents following the most recent P5 guidelines. The output is designed to facilitate further manual annotation.


Fundamentally output is generated following the embedded transcription scheme with a single surface containing all recognized line elements with their textual representation.

The (body) skeleton of a TEI-OCR file will look like this:

    <surface ulx="0" uly="0" lrx="500" lry="500">
        <graphic url="foo.png"/>
            <line ulx=a uly=b lrx=c lry=d resp="#resp_0">
                <zone lrx="1028" lry="182" type="segment" ulx="593" uly="119" xml:id="seg_0" resp="#resp_1">
                    <zone lrx="629" lry="182" resp="#resp_1" type="grapheme" ulx="593" uly="119">
                            <g xml:id="grapheme_0" resp="#resp_1">5</g>
                        <certainty degree="0.83" locus="value" target="#grapheme_0" resp="#resp_1"/>
                    <zone lrx="1028" lry="182" resp="#resp_1" type="grapheme" ulx="629" uly="119">
                            <g xml:id="grapheme_1" resp="#resp_1">4</g>
                        <certainty degree="0.99" locus="value" target="#grapheme_1" resp="#resp_1"/>
                <zone lrx="1066" lry="182" resp="#resp_1" type="grapheme" ulx="1028" uly="119">
                        <g xml:id="grapheme_2" resp="#resp_1"> </g>
                    <certainty degree="0.97" locus="value" target="#grapheme_2" resp="#resp_1"/>
                <zone lrx="1199" lry="182" type="segment" ulx="1066" uly="119" xml:id="seg_1" resp="#resp_1">
            <line ulx=a uly=b lrx=c lry=d>


The g tag does NOT encode single characters but entities fed into the character recognition engine. These entities are called grapheme clusters and may correspond to a single character/codepoint, multiple codepoints or in the case of ligatures decomposited by the engine even to multiple characters (œ to oe).


The source of a particular element is usually attributed using a series of respStmt block in the header of the document. A common example encoding a page segmentation and character recognition as two sources of data in the document will resemble these two statements:

<respStmt xml:id="resp_0">
    <resp>page segmentation</resp>
<respStmt xml:id="resp_1">
    <resp>character recognition</resp>

Elements themselves are linked to these statements using the resp attribute:

<g xml:id="grapheme_9" resp="#resp_1">x</g>

When merging the output of multiple OCR engines diverging readings will also be attributed to their origin using the respStmt tag. Alternative spellings provided by a spell checker will also be properly attributed.


Some recognition results will have a confidence value using the certainty tag associated with them:

<zone lrx="526" lry="291" resp="#resp_1" type="grapheme" ulx="422" uly="225">
        <g xml:id="grapheme_0" resp="#resp_1">Μ</g>
    <certainty degree="0.76" locus="value" target="#grapheme_0" resp="#resp_1"/>

These necessarily refer to the identifier of the targeted element using the target attribute. The probability is a float value between 0 and 1 with higher values indicating higher confidence in the results.