.. _api: =========== RESTful API =========== Nidaba includes a RESTful API server and an experimental web user interface. To start up the server locally just run: .. code-block:: console $ nidaba api_server To create batches remotely you can use the normal ``nidaba`` commands by adding the ``-h/--host`` option: .. code-block:: console $ nidaba batch -h --grayscale -l tesseract -o tesseract:languages=eng,extended=True -- input.tif or: .. code-block:: console $ nidaba status -h cf644c49-01b9-44e3-82fc-a4073f0980ef Schema ------ All data is sent and received as JSON. Client Errors ------------- HTTP Verbs ---------- Where possible, the API strives to use appropriate HTTP verbs for each action. API Reference ------------- .. autoflask:: nidaba.api:create_app() :undoc-static: :endpoints: :include-empty-docstring: